ASEAN Islamic Student Summit 2017 – Optimizing Southeast Asia Islamic Student Movement to Face The ASEAN Challenges


ASEAN Islamic Student Summit by Jama’ah Salahudin to create a regional model that provides both open economy and social support for less developed nations, and in turn, its poorer citizen. Ideally, a youth contribution should be able to be adapted to fit different cultural environments. This way, its reach will be much broader and bring change to more communities. Youth contributions are essential in today’s world, which still suffers from many social problems such as economic crisis, war, diseases, discrimination, displacement, homelessness, poor health and nutrition, and social exclusion to name only a few. In this context, youth movement are needed more and more. There will never be a limit on the number of youth movement needed in the world. Instead, there is always a place where such youth can make a monumental difference in the lives of others. Their drive to improve the world and their dedication to see their solutions and plans come true, act as a ripple effect. All you need is an idea, a creative and innovative mind, resources, flexibility, and an implementation plan. Youth movements are imaginative critical thinkers who strive for long-term, expansive social change. With an identified social problem, they look for solutions that can benefit society at large.

  1. Islam is the religion that being worship by the majority of the people in Southeast Asia also offer the solution of everyproblem that exists nowadays. Thus, we have to widen our knowledge of the role of islamic value to solve the problems and how to optimize it.
  2. University student or young generation is a class of people that have power to be the problem solver of many problems in our life. They bring many hopes and wishes for our life. The power of youth is they are at the forefront in the struggle and able to engage in all sectors.
  3. Entering the 21st century of human life including human beings has the predicate of the students that do a greater challenge. One of them is shown by rapid development of comunication technology resulted in a glut of information. The role of Islamic students in the future will be more instrumental in the development, both national and regional.

To achieve this, there is a need to encourage young people, to instil a spirit of optimizing student movement who hold Islamic values from early on in life initiative, confidence, calculated risk-taking, creativity, organization, tenacity and to help them in the transition from school to adulthood. Joining ASEAN Islamic Student Summit 2017 focused specifically on youth will not only provide young people with a positive outlet for their ideas, but it will give them a space for constructive interaction as well as a sense of independence, self-autonomy and competence that acts as a springboard for them to become confident, dedicated change-makers throughout their lives. They will form a network of friends who have similar interests in bringing positive change to their communities. They will meet adults and leaders who can help them with their goals. They will learn about Islamic worldview, culture, entrepreneurship and politics. Most importantly, however, they will be Islamic leaders who understand that they have potential to make the world a better place, and they will use the skills they learn at a young age for the rest of their lives.


  1. Developing social empathy and ability, Islamic entrepreneurship, leadership, and innovation of youth and student from Asia.
  2. Enhancing mutual understanding and people to people engagement between student and youth from Asia and across the globe.
  3. Enhancing competitive spirit among student and youth to be able to face regional social challenges.
  4. Generating Islamic student movement as the agent of change to be able to solve social problems in their society and surroundings.
  5.  Facilitating student and youth from Asia and across the globe to exchange their ideas, cultures, as well as experiences in order to develop networking for optimizing the potency of Islamic Student Movement.


This program particularly focuses on Islamic student and highlights the importance of this approach in contributing towards the development of critical skills and competencies of young people to positively engage in society, exercise leadership and become involved in social change. This positive youth development approach advocates for young people to achieve their full potential as the best way to prevent them from engaging in risky behaviour.

Learning Outcome

  • To develop muslim students skills, make adjustments to their ideas, and give benefit to many people.
  • Provides an opportunity for muslim students to develop traits which provide them with valuable life skills that will facilitate their transition into adulthood and benefit them throughout their adult lives.
  • Helping young people to achieve their full potential as the next emerging leader that be able to solve many problems in many aspects.
  • Facilitating a network for muslim student to enhance knowledge sharing, collaboration and the collective discovery process between members

People Involved

Building an islamic leadership ecosystem requires a multi-dimensional approach with cooperation among like-minded organizations and people to address different aspects of islamic worldview, leadership, entrepreneurship etc. Especially, We also invite the best selected muslim students around ASIA.

Place & Date

The ASEAN Islamic Student Summit 2017 will be held on :

Place : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Date : September 27th – October 1st 2017


Sep, 27th 2017

– 15.00  Arrival Assistance

15.00 – 18.00  Check in Hotel

18.00 – 20.00  Welcoming Dinner

20.00 – 00.00  Freetime

Sep, 28th 2017

09.30- 12.00  Malaysia International Islamic Financial Centre

12.00 – 14.00 Lunch and pray

14.00 – 16.00 Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia

16.00 – 18.00 Petronas Twin Tower

Sep, 29th 2017

10.00 – 12.00 Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia

12.00 – 14.00 Lunch and pray

14.00 – 16.00 Malaysia Islamic Center

16.00 – 18.00 Malaysia Islamic Art Museum

Oct, 1st 2017

Airport Assistance


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3 thoughts on “ASEAN Islamic Student Summit 2017 – Optimizing Southeast Asia Islamic Student Movement to Face The ASEAN Challenges

  1. Zita Inka Putri Mahira says:

    Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

    Maaf saya mau bertanya mengenai tanggal kegiatan yang tertera di rundown pada tanggal 27 september- 1 oktober, sedangkan format proposal pada email yang masuk ke saya tertera tanggal 21 -25 september ,mohon jawaban nya bagaimana kejelasan terhadap kegiatan acara ini..
    Mohon di respon, terima kasih

    Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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